【開催告知】第15回 Research Showcase 開催のご案内(7/27,28)

歴史家ワークショップでは、外国語で簡潔に研究のエッセンスを発表するイベント、Research Showcase を2016年より継続して開催しています。発表・質疑応答をすべて外国語で行うことで、発表者・参加者の双方が外国語で学術的なコミュニケーションを実践できる場をつくっています。



※ 通信環境の関係上定員を設けますので、場合によっては参加いただけないことがあります。あしからずご了承ください。

日時: 2022年7月27日(水)、28日(木)両日とも17:00-20:00(日本時間)ごろ
会場: オンライン(Zoom)
司会: 古川萌(東京大学)
使用言語: 英語
参加費: 無料
ポスター: こちらからダウンロードください (後日掲載予定)
問い合わせ先: 事務局担当 hw.research.showcase@gmail.com


DAY 1 – 27 July 2022

17:00-17:15 – Opening Remarks

17:15-18:00 – Panel 1 Presentations

鴨頭俊宏 Toshihiro Kamogashira | National Institute of Technology, Niihama College

The World of Circular Letters by Warriors of the Clan in the Edo Period

池田泉 Izumi Ikeda | Waseda University

Tosa Mitsuoki’s ‘‘Millet Ears and Quails’’ and the Japanese Importation of Chinese Paintings Themes

白木澤涼子 Ryoko Shirakizawa | Hokkaido University

The Neighborhood Association (Chonaikai) in World War II Japan

18:00-18:20 – Break

18:20-19:05 – Panel 2 Presentations

安東慶太  Keita Ando | University of Tokyo

Historical Revisionism in Japan after the 1990s: The Influence of Educational Movements and Business Books

光岡芽 Mei Mitusoka | Hitotsubashi University

Consideration of ‘Human Height’ in Nineteenth-Century Britain

磯野将吾 Shogo Isono | Osaka University

Relief for the Elderly in Mid-Nineteenth-Century London: The Aged Poor Society and The Value of ‘Self-Help’ Attitude

19:05 – End of First Day

DAY 2 – 28 July 2022

17:00-18:00 – Panel 3 Presentations

細井拓真 Takuma Hosoi | Tohoku University

Public-private Cooperation and Industrial Change: the Case of the Japanese Petrochemical Industry During the Postwar Economic Boom

ディマルコ・ルクレツィア Lucrezia Di Marco  | University of Tokyo

How the Introduction of Christianity Affected Ainu Society in the Early Twentieth Century: Focusing on Batchelor Yaeko’s Life and Work

小山田真帆 Maho Oyamada | Kyoto University

Politicians and Homosexual Relations in Ancient Athenian Democracy

宇野真佑子 Mayuko Uno | University of Tokyo

‘There’s No Other Homeland for Us’: the Struggle for the Rights of Serbs during the Early 1990s in Croatia

18:00-18:20 – Break

18:20-19:05 – Panel 4 Presentations

高橋茜 Akane Takahashi | University of Tokyo

Multiethnic Unionism in Agricultural Fields and Food Processing Industries: Its Possibilities and Limitations in the 1930-1940s U.S.

山崎香織 Kaori Yamazaki | University of Tokyo

Human Rights Networks and the U.S.-Japan-South Korea Trilateral Relationship during the 1970s

戸澤典子 Noriko Tozawa | University of Tokyo

The Transnational Experiences of Jewish American Immigrants to Israel: A Case Study of Post-Migrant Social Movements

19:05-19:25 – Closing Remarks by the Commentators

19:25-19:35 – Break

19:35-19:45 – Announcement of the Prize Winner