当初3月に予定していたRoundtable: Historiography on (Early) Modern Religionsを、12月10日10-13時(日本時間)にオンラインで開催します。無料でどなたでもご参加頂けますが、事前登録は必須となっております。登録サイト:https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZYpcuGorDMrHdCTt3GAIT6msyfUpNxVLE_5
The Protestant Reformation and the Counter-/Catholic Reformation began in early modern Europe, and then reached Asia and the Americas. The “Reformations” of Christianity not only spread globally in the early modern era, but also affected and even shaped modern historiography as an academic discipline in the West as well as Japan. This roundtable will discuss and historicise historiographies on religions, especially Christianity and Buddhism, in early modern and modern Europe, Japan, and North America. By so doing, it attempts to go beyond the barriers between sub-disciplines of Western history, Japanese history, history of Christianity, and history of Buddhism and to seek the current frontier of the history of early modern and modern religions.
- Free / Registration Required
- Time: 10:00-13:00 JST, 10th December 2020 / 19:00-22:00 CST, 9th December 2020
- Venue: Zoom (registration link: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZYpcuGorDMrHdCTt3GAIT6msyfUpNxVLE_5)
- Language: English
- Speakers: Peter Lake (Vanderbilt Univ.; History of Post-Reformation England), Tomoe Moriya (Hannan Univ.; History of Buddhism in Modern Japan and the United States), Seiji Hoshino (Kokugakuin Univ.; History of Religions in Modern Japan)
- Chair: Hiroki Kikuchi (Univ. of Tokyo; History of Buddhism in Medieval Japan)
- Organiser: Genji Yasuhira (JSPS / Musashi Univ. / Utrecht Univ.; History of Christianity in the Early Modern Netherlands)
Speakers’ Info
Peter Lake: https://as.vanderbilt.edu/history/bio/peter-lake
Tomoe Moriya:https://researchmap.jp/read0075458?lang=en
Seiji Hoshino: https://researchmap.jp/Hoshino_Seiji?lang=en
Hiroki Kikuchi: https://researchmap.jp/read0184866?lang=en
Genji Yasuhira: https://jsps.academia.edu/GenjiYasuhira