このたび、Center for International Research on the Japanese Economy (CIRJE)との共催で「歴史家ワークショップ – CIRJE共催ワークショップ」を開催する運びとなりました。記念すべき第一回は、広島大学より中尾麻伊香先生をお招きし、「追悼と調査のための身体――戦後長崎における科学と宗教と原爆犠牲者」と題してご報告いただきます。中尾麻伊香先生は、核兵器と原爆犠牲者の歴史を探求される、気鋭の歴史家です。ぜひ、奮ってご参加ください。
開催概要 Event Summary
- 日時
Date -
28 June 2024, 10.00 am – 11.30 am JST - 会場
Venue -
東京大学経済学部学術交流棟(小島ホール)2F・第3セミナー室 →MAP
#3 Seminar Room, Kojima Hall (2F), Hongo Campus, The University of Tokyo - 登壇者
Speaker -
中尾 麻伊香(広島大学 准教授)
Dr Maika Nakao (Associate Professor, Hiroshima University) - 使用言語
Language -
Japanese - 主催
歴史家ワークショップ Historians’ Workshop
要旨 Abstract
- 追悼と調査のための身体――戦後長崎における科学と宗教と原爆犠牲者
Body for Eulogy and Investigation: Science, Religion, and Atomic Bomb Victims in Postwar
NagasakiSince the atomic bombing, the remains of atomic bomb victims have been the subject of both medical investigation and religious like veneration and eulogies in Nagasaki.
Nagasaki, Japan’s main port from the 17th to the 19th century, has a deep history of Christian oppression and nuclear victimhood. At the same time, exemplifying the multiplicity of meanings of both science and religion, Nagasaki Christians and others held a generally positive image of science. After the atomic attack, the atomic bomb was often presented as the ultimate scientific achievement. Significantly, such positive views on science related to religious belief, as was found in the writings of Nagasaki’s “saint”, Nagai Takashi. All the while, starting immediately after the bombing, scientists engaged in the process of turning victims’ corpses into scientific data. There arose an ideology that could be described as ‘faith in science’, which affirmed the sacrifices made for scientific progress. This paper asks how the positive image of science and the atomic bomb emerged and how it was related to the investigation of, and the eulogy given for, the atomic bomb victims. By focusing on the religious rituals by locals and scientific investigations conducted by the physicians of Nagasaki University and the Atomic Bomb Casualty Commission (ABCC), this paper seeks to uncover the local daily practices that connected science and religion. Such connections were literally embodied in A-bomb victims’ bodily remains and the way they were treated by both scientists and the community.
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