Historians’ Workshop では、以下の要領で大学院生・若手研究者の研究報告会 “Second Early Career Conference” を開催します。
日時 / Date: Monday 31 August 2020, 13.00-19.00 (JST)
場所 / Place: Zoom (the meeting link will be sent via email on 29 August 2020)
参加登録フォーム / Registration form: https://forms.gle/iVmkzaFyhtzMRNKa7
Session1: 13.10-14.20
Hayley KEON (University of Hong Kong)
Consuming the Nation: Food, Drink, and Diaspora in the American Missionary Memoir
MORIE Kento (Kyoto University)
Religion, Realism, and the Cold War: The Rockefeller Foundations’ Interests in the Funding of International Relations Studies and Christian Morality
Session 2: 14.35-15.45
CAO Thi Van (Nanyang Technological University, Singapore)
Vietnamese King Ships Trade with Singapore, 1820-1847
Mohamed EL-MOURSI (EHESS, France)
Writing the Self in Pre-modern Arabic Culture: The Case of ʿAbd Allāh B. Buluggīn and His Book, al-Tibyān
Session 3: 16.00-17.10
Dr. Quentin LIPPMANN (University of Essex)
From Material to Non-Material Needs? The Evolution of Mate Preferences through the 20th Century in France
Pavel KREJCI (University of Hong Kong)
From Western Liberalism towards Czechoslovak Socialism
17.20-17.40: Comments from Prof. Dr. MIZUTANI Satoshi (Doshisha University)
17.40-17.50: Concluding remarks
18.00-19.00 Coffee & Teatime
This conference is organized by: INAGAKI, Kentaro (The University of Tokyo), HUH, Duim (The University of Tokyo), KITAGAWA, Ryota (Hiroshima University), SUZUKI, Kengo (The University of Tokyo), and YAMADA, Tomoki (Kyoto University)
If you have any questions or clarifications, please contact at:
INAGAKI, Kentaro (inagaki-kentaro157@g.ecc.u-tokyo.ac.jp)